Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Choice is responsibilities best friends ever

As long as we live we still need a choice. This is the most difficult things to do in people's life. Why? Some people things it's difficult because of the choices all the best but for me difficult of because when we have choose something so we need to responsible with our choice. Responsible means we have to ready to face all the risk that might caused from our choice itself. Responsible is also means that we must able to respond the effect of our choice, whether it is good or bad for us. Responsible is also a choice for us, some people often can't be responsible for the choice that they have made so they can't go strong and tough for their problems. So do I, Until now I think Im still have problem to face all the risk that caused from the choice i've been made. 
In Islam, we have a special pray to face the choice in our life. It is called Sholat Istikharah. This is the prayer to Allah that hope and pray which is the best choice for our life. The answer of this prayer is our beliefs of the choice itself. Yess this is the best things to do when we face a difficult choice in our life cos Allah knows the best things for us and only Allah is the best Guidance for us. AllahuAkbar. 
So, dont be afraid to make a decision in your life. No matter what the bad things or good things, we have to stay strong and tough for our great life that Allah been created. And choice is responsibilities best friends ever ;)

First time attending best friends wedding party with hijab :)

Yeayy finally this is my first time i have to attend my best friends wedding party named anggie in my hometown. Well honestly i have no dress to wear on but i think i have to do my favourite things, mix and match. My outfit and dress mostly is not for wedding party. Okay for that day 
i wore simple outfit for noon wedding party, black skirt made from chiffon which is flowy when the winds blow.Whuhhuu.. And orange turtle neck made from spandex cotton which is so comfort and i put on my colorful favourite vest. For hijab i choose simple shawls, glittery and stretch so i can pull it to make a simple turban. This simple turban have fancy flower above my head and this is real made from the shawls itself acctually cos some friends thinks that it is ready to use. Yess this is my first time sharing about party dress which is so simple, i call it very very simple but simple things looks amazing i guess ;)

 Love that inner so covering my "pipi tembem" LOL
Look at those flower above my head,does it looks like butterfly?LOL

Senin, 11 Maret 2013

September duaribuduabelas

Bulan September 2012 mungkin adalah bulan yang tidak akan pernah saya lupakan.Mengapa karena pada bulan itu saya mendapat cobaan yang sungguh sangat luar biasa.Di tengah cobaan tersebut saya bersyukur karena Allah benar- benar menunjukkan saya jalan yang terbaik untuk saya.Bersyukur masih banyak yang support ,orang tua,keluarga besar,sahabat dan semua orang yang sangat luar biasa dukungannya untuk saya.Alhamdulillah Allah kirimkan orang-orang hebat seperti mereka.Untuk itu saya bangkit berdiri mulai menata rencana yang mulanya tersusun rapi yang kemudian hancur berkeping-keping.Namun di balik itu semua Allah memberikan hikmah yang sangat luar biasa.Hikmah yang masih saya rasakan hingga saat ini.Di saat kondisi down dan terpuruk,Alhamdulillah Allah senantiasa tunjukkan jalanNya.Saat itu saya dibukakan jalan dan petunjuk melalui setiap kuliah subuh yang diberikan oleh seorang ustadz di televisi.Setiap kuliah subuh yang saya ikuti, permasalahan yang dibahas selalu mirip dengan masalah dan kejadian yang saya alami,entah mengapa seolah-olah Allah berkomunikasi dengan saya melalui hal tersebut,seolah olah saya mendapat jawaban atas segala kegundahan yang saya rasakan.Ustadz selalu menguatkan bahwa kita harus yakin dan percaya terhadap ketetapan Allah dan yakin bahwa segala sesuatu yang datang dari Allah untuk kita itu pasti yang terbaik.Selain itu beliau juga berpesan agar kita senantiasa introspeksi diri dan menjaga setiap lisan dan perbuatan kita.Introspeksi memang benar-benar hal yang sangat penting jika kita menginginkan perbaikan dalam hidup. Saya menyadari bahwa setiap manusia tidaklah sempurna dan ketidaksempurnaan itu hendaknya menjadi kekuatan dalam diri kita. Maka saya percaya bahwa apapun yang terjadi atas diri kita,kita harus hadapi dan lalui dengan kuat dan tegar karena yakinlah kita tidak sendiri,melainkan ada Allah yang senantiasa bersama kita.La tahzan,Innallaha ma"anna :)